AUTOMATIC GALATEA . oil on canvas . 130x97cm


GALATEA . oil on canvas . 73x60cm . Private collection, Ibiza, Spain


ODYSSEUS . oil on canvas . 81x81cm . Available "Art du Temps" gallery


CALYPSO BLUES . oil on canvas . 146x146cm


SIRENS . oil on canvas . 73x162cm


LEDA AND THE SWAN . oil on canvas . 73x116cm


EROS . oil on canvas . 130x116cm . Private collection, Washington, US


DYONISSUS . oil on canvas . 130x81cm . Private collection, London, UK


BACCHAE . oil on canvas . 100x81cm . Private collection, Oviedo, Spain


PAN . oil on canvas . 73x60cm . Private collection, Manchester, UK


MERMAID . oil on canvas .81x81cm


DAPHNE . oil on canvas . 60x73cm . Private collection, France

© Fran Recacha |